
Rocket Kids: Burning Out There Fuses Up There Alone is part of a much larger project titled Kids in Space directed by Dr. Roshanna Sylvester. Under Dr. Sylvester's guidence undergraduate students in a public history class put together seperate websites understanding different aspects regarding the impact of the space race on children during the space craze in America from the late 1950's to the late 1960's.


Rocket Kids: Burning Out There Fuses Up There Alone specifically deals with understanding both adult and children's views of the child space explorer during the space craze in American history from 1950's to 1960's. In order to understand eaches views, a specific set of sources were selected and are displayed on this site. Adult views are analyzed from popular mass media sources of the source from the time, which include television shows and music, distributed to a wide aduience. Children's views are taken from letters, pictures and play items of children from this time period around the ages of eight to fourteen.


For more information related to this site, please contact Olle Larson at lars-128@hotmail.com