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Rocket Kids: Burning Out Their Fuses Up There Alone

Rocket Kid...Grounded

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Still image from the Twilight Zone episode "When the Sky Was Opened," originally aired January 10, 1964. This episode can be viewed in season five of The Twilight Zone. Rights holder for all episodes of THe Twilight Zone is CBS Studios and this image was obtained through Fair Use.

Stardate 1964

Jimmy: Space flight looks so easy, will I be able go up to space soon?

Uncle Don: While it looks easy Jimmy, I don't think its a good idea for you to go in to space or that its even possible for some one your age?

Jimmy: Why?

Uncle Don: Well on last nights episode of The Twilight Zone, "The Long Morrow," we still see that space is meant for military men. They are the one's with all the skills and training necessary to accomplish space exploration. Even Dr. Bixler stated there are certain qualities one has to have to be a space explorer and men like Stansfield have those qualities. Also, Dr. Bixler pointed out there are several regular dangers with space travel likeĀ  meteor showers, mechanical failures, landing problems, and ejection difficulties. While it may look easy, there still are a lot of risks involved and a space explorer needs to have several qualities.

Jimmy: I see Uncle Don.